Current distribution of three marine invasive species in the Greek seas

Duration Months 1-24


The purpose of this section is to estimate the marine invasive stocks in the Greek seas, which is necessary in order to control the viability of any business action that may be aimed at the economic exploitation of these species on a large scale. In order to capture the current situation of the three species of the program, WP1 will take place, during which the fish populations will be recorded using underwater visual surveys during the summer period. The sampling will take place at selected stations in Lesvos, Ikaria, Santorini, Nisyros, Crete, Southern Peloponnese, and Kefalonia. The stations in each of the 7 areas will be selected after preliminary on-site dives and interviews with fishermen in order to select areas with a different substrate (rocky, soft) and the presence of a strong presence of invasive species.

WP leader: Aegean University 


• Mapping the presence of species by collecting published reports on the presence / distribution and recording populations by scuba diving

• Collection of fishery data and estimation of relative abundance of stocks

• Calculation of biodiversity indicators, species abundance and ratios of food categories and commercial value of native and non-native species