Financial evaluation of the utilization applications of the three marine invasive species

Duration Months 12-36


In order to propose an economically viable and environmentally acceptable solution, a Life Cycle Analysis and Feasibility Study will be carried out, which will be accompanied by a feasibility study for all products and processes in order to improve the environmental footprint and reduce energy requirements. The main pillar of the feasibility study will be the creation of a model of integrated management strategy-utilization of invasive species, which will consist of two main studies: 1. Estimation of economic benefit-cost of utilization applications and 2. Investigation of product absorption outlets of the three invasive species at the market.

WP leader: NTUA


  • Integrated strategy of the management and utilization of the three invasive species 
  • Estimation of the financial benefit / cost of utilization applications
  • Investigation of outlets for absorption of the products in the market
  • Evaluation of viability of the final cosmetic and nutritional products (strengths analysis, market analysis)

Subcontracting: companies of research and cosmetics development / nutritional supplements and functional products – for the development of standard end products and market research