Assessing the Toxicity of Lagocephalus sceleratus Pufferfish from the Southeastern Aegean Sea and the Relationship of Tetrodotoxin with Gonadal Hormones

Given the dramatic increase in the L. sceleratus population in the southeastern Aegean Sea, there is growing interest in assessing the toxicity of this pufferfish and the factors controlling its tetrodotoxin (TTX) content. In the present study, liver, gonads, muscle and skin of 37 L. sceleratus specimens collected during May and June 2021 from the island of Rhodes, Greece, were subjected to multi-analyte profiling using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) in order to quantitate TTX and evaluate whether this biotoxin interrelates with hormones.

First record of Arcania brevifrons Chen, 1989 (Decapoda; Leucosiidae) and further record of Macrophthalmus (Macrophthalmus) indicus Davie, 2012 (Decapoda; Macrophthalmidae) in Hellenic waters

Two individuals of the introduced macrophthalmid M. (M.) indicus were found in the stomachs of silver-cheeked toadfish (Lagocephalus sceleratus), a fish species that itself is invasive. For both species, DNA barcoding was performed using the standard mitochondrial marker cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI).

Πρώτη καταγραφή Halimeda incrassata στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο

Η ανακάλυψη έγινε από το επιστημονικό προσωπικό του Υδροβιολογικού Σταθμού Ρόδου / ΕΛΚΕΘΕ Rhodes Αquarium – Hydrobiological Station – HCMR όταν εντοπίστηκαν θαλλοί (αντίστοιχοι με τους βλαστούς των φυτών της ξηράς) του ξενικού είδους σε στομαχικό περιεχόμενο λαγοκέφαλων από δειγματοληψίες στο πλαίσιο του ερευνητικού προγράμματος Explias.

Poster presentation at 21st IUFoST

NTUA’s team presented the amazing work entitled “Development of beverages using functional food ingredients derived from marine invasive alien species in Mediterranean basin”

Congratulations to NTUA and UA

NTUA’s team presented the amazing work entitled “Formulation of functional food ingredients derived from marine invasive alien species in Mediterranean basin”

Διεξήχθη η 1η ημερίδα του EXPLIAS

Διεξήχθη με επιτυχία και με συμμετοχή τοπικών φορέων και αλιέων η 1η ημερίδα του EXPLIAS στον ΥΣΡ/ΕΛΚΕΘΕ σήμερα Σάββατο 22.10.2022. Συγχαρητήρια στην ομάδα!!